Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Weather right NOW aka 'god hates me lots and lots'

Currently At 6:42PM
Winds: CLM
at 0mph

106°F at 7pm, when it's officially EVENING. Seriously god, that's fucked up. Seriously. And what the hell is "RealFeel" and why is it trying to make me feel even worse about it? It should be "FakeFeel" and tell me how nice and cool it would be if I were in a movie theater or in a swimming pool with the Camping Divas.

Sorry, no content here, I'm too busy trying to figure out why I'm in this godforsaken heathole of suck.™

That's right, I just trademarked 'heathole of suck'. When I'm rich from it I will laugh the loudest. THE LOUDEST.

Huh, so this is what heatstroke delirium is like.


Jay said...

That's just crazy! I hope you have central A/C!

Catherine said...

Amen, that is both massively suckful and totally crazy. Relief be yours, brother.