Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Worst blogger ever.

I've not written anything in ages. I'm still very much a neophyte to this realm but I suspect my experience is common: If a week goes by without writing anything I find each day it becomes progressively harder to post because the accumulation of non-posts makes it more intimidating to actually write something to justify the wait.

I know, I'm overthinking it, and the 3 readers I have could not care less, but that's the way my brain works.

So why haven't I been posting? Well, a few reasons. My girl has been sick the last few weeks. Not flu, meh sucks to be you sick, but 'everything hurts and the doctors are douches' sick. So I'm worried about that. Having someone you care about be in that much pain and be absolutely helpless to help (other than leg and foot massages, I'm becoming a pro) is horrid.

Then I decided to change some of my own chronic meds, only to find that due to my own lazy lack of education, one has severe withdrawal effects. Oops. Even better, when I went back to the doc about it, he professed ignorance as well. Well I guess the thousands of people and medical reports I found online were wrong. Dumbass (me and him). Oh well, he gave me some Xanax to ride out the rough spots.

Went to a Dodger game Saturday with some friends. It was 'all you can eat, you fat bastard' and we took full advantage. Unfortunately, it was 110 (seriously, I looked it up) and umbrellas were forbidden. Because the Stadium people are sadists. So I'm burned to hell and Hussy looks like Pocohontas. You best believe I wanted to take advantage of that.. unfortunately her shrieks of pain when I touch her were sufficiently different from her usual shrieks of disgust that I was unable to go through with it. Such is life.

So that is all. I've taken a few days off from work to deal with this withdrawal thingee so now I can catch up on the really interesting blogs I've bookmarked and can go back to writing book length comments on each one.

You're welcome, really.


Catherine said...

Your title and first paragraph are words that I could write verbatim. I don't know how many times in the last 4+ years I've said something like 'sorry it's been so long since I've posted *grins apologetically*' or 'Heh, Jeez, I suck, wow...' or 'No, I haven't died, I swear', etc. And yeah, those posts are kinda hard, like revving a stubborn engine.

Catherine said...

Holy Crap, I do suck; I also and actually firstly meant to say: I'm thinking good healing-up thoughts for your girl and you, too. Take good care of each other. Big hugs from me.

Call Me Hussy said...

I am honestly looking forward to this doctor appointment I have tomorrow. It's amazing how many maladies I've managed to wrack up in the past few weeks.

The weird hives, the lip bite and the fever were some of my favorites.

I'm kind of grateful I haven't had a job to go to...

Bittersweet Confusion said...

The best posts are the posts about why you haven't posted! Keep up the good work Dob! LOL!

Anonymous said...

I stumbled in here from Bittersweet's blog.

I understand the hopeless, helpless feeling that one gets when the one that one loves is in pain. You are indeed a trooper.

As for Hussy. I wish her the best of luck and hope the douchebag doctors can fix her up soon.

I go on blog hiatus all the time and don't give a shit to explain anything to anybody. So, you have a very sweet attitude toward your loyalist readers.


Bittersweet Confusion said...

So now you're readership is up to 5... You officially have a following... hee!

Bob Dobalina said...

Catherine - Thanks for the kind words.. and for artificially inflating my comment count by forgetting, that RULED.

Hussy - job will come, that doctor was uber douchey, and oatmeal baths make you smell like breakfast time!

BitterSweet - I love your blog and promise to try commenting more, I've just been really out of it lately. Well obviously.

Catscratch - Your name is doubly funny because we seriously considered Catscratch Fever as a possible cause of Hussy's maladies. Welcome and thanks for hangin out!

BS - haha bs. I'm 5 so that amused me. And 5 readers, that's it, Grant Miller better watch out. :D