Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I'm not an alcoholic.

I am, however, a really bad drunk.

This won't be a very funny post, or very interesting for that matter, sorry. Still, writing crap does have a way of ordering thoughts and setting things in place. Plus, as I mentioned in my last non-funny post (point it out for a prize!) doing it in public is a nice way of challenging myself to make some sort of change.

Last weekend, as I have for the last 4 weekends, I got very drunk. Not "haha I said something risque" drunk or "oh ho, I sure got sick and felt horrible the next day" drunk. More like "Out of control, gulping Whiskey straight from the bottle, embarrassing people close to me, angering everyone, running around like a monkey on speed, blacking out and having to have things explained to me the next day" drunk.

I had 2 separate people say the same, slightly strangely worded phrase to me the next day, which really brought home how bad it was: "Bob Dobalina, I was scared that you were trying to murder yourself". What caught me at first was the odd choice of word, murder. Then the more I thought about it, the more I realized they were both using that word for a specific reason. This isn't killing, which can be accidental. My drinking to blackout/oblivion was deliberate. That scared the shit out of me.

I used to drink, a lot. I'm a chronic insomniac, it's a family thing, and passing out is one way to deal with it. I did that for several years. Then I stopped. I was given mild tranq's to prevent DT's for the first few weeks, tossed my liquor collection and from then on used reading to deal with the late nights. I didn't drink for years.

Then I felt ok and started again. Sometimes just a beer. Sometimes a drunk as described above.

Here's the thing: I don't drink every day. I don't drink every weekend (though you wouldn't know it by looking at July) or even every other week. Sometimes months go by between drunks. But when I do drink, I can't seem to stop. I feel good. I drink some more. I feel happy and silly and fun. And then I drink some more. And then I get offended. And then I drink some more. And then I get angry. And then I drink some more. And then I get confused. And then I drink some more. And then I don't know what is happening.. so I drink some more until I'm gone.

I've been forced by my last episode to take a hard look at myself and admit that even though I don't drink every day, I still have a drinking problem. It's not fucking normal to drink like that. And ignoring it, or blaming it on drinking "hard alcohol", or blaming it on drug interactions, is not going to help. And yes I used each of those excuses when friends or family asked why I got so crazy.

Anyway, that was the weekend. Yesterday I asked a few of my good friends what they thought about my drinking. Without hesitation, all of them said some variation of the following: "You can get.. mean. It's scary. I've wanted to say something but you seem to only do it every once in a while so I didn't think it was that bad but I know when you do drink, to watch out. I look in your eyes and you aren't there any more". These are my FRIENDS. I don't blame them for not saying anything, I have no idea at all what I'd do in that situation, but I can still feel mortified that I let it get this far before doing something about it.

So I am. I'm going to talk to someone who deals with this stuff professionally and do a lot of talking. Or a lot of listening, I hear that can be good too.

I doubt I'll be blogging about what comes next, only because I don't think it will be very interesting. In the unlikely event that anyone who has ever had to deal with my drunk ass reads this, please know I'm embarrassed and sorry. Thanks to everyone who didn't take a swing at me. I always told my friends that I'd hate to be "that guy" at the party that's sloppy and out of control.

I'm that guy. Dammit.


Anonymous said...

Jesus, I want to say something! I've been sitting here staring at the comment square for like ten minutes now, I'm stoopid. I want to say something. Like deep and meaningful, which somehow gets across that I can feel the painful bullet biting effort I bet it must have taken to write that thing (something like that anyway, I'm not assuming a single thing, I promise). All I can think of is that for whatever it could possibly be worth, I'm in your corner, I believe in you, and big fat love to you, man. Seems so easy to say such a thing, but I mean it from the depths of me.

PinkPiddyPaws said...

Congrats on recognizing the issue and taking the bull by the horns (so to speak) and being proactive in doing the things necessary to change it!

Sorry you are "that guy" BUT the good news is that you don't have to be anymore!

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Good for you for doing something about it. This is going to sound both lame and gay, but I'm proud of you.

Also, your last post was the one that wasn't funny. Then again, so was the one before that...

Anonymous said...

Just so ya know, I would have taken a swing at you. But I was a lil too drunk myself.
Good for you for recognizing your issue and doing something about it. As soon as you take ownership of your actions (meaning- it's not the meds, it's not the type of liquor, it's just you), then you start to heal. It's mucho bueno!!
Also, you don't have to drink very often to be a big alchy. It's all about how you handle it when you do drink.

Bob Dobalina said...

Cath: There's a reason I visit your blog first every day. It's because I am a huge suck up. Also because you rock so hard. Thanks, I appreciate it.

Pink: I call a toast to luck! Wait, I don't think I'm doing this right..

Catherinette: It did sound gay and lame but that's how I roll so it worked. And you were incorrect, I have it on good authority that the "WTF Folder" post was not funny and only strange.

Lailani: Don't you dare spoil my headline with your fancy 'logic' or 'facts'.

I have some kinda cool friends, on and offline.

Now let's get back to making fun of those less fortunate then I am.

Falwless said...

Wow. I just now saw this.

My respect for you just went through the roof. Seriously.

You are awesome.

Unknown said...

As a former Mormon missionary and a person who has NEVER been drunk, let me say that sobriety is vastly overrated. Of course drinking to the point where your friends think you might be murdering yourself isn't going to win you any points with your liver, so, yeah, definitely get a governor on that part of the accelerator.

I'm only here because I randomly clicked on your site on Fawless's blog roll. And while my first inclination was to pretend I hadn't, I decided to man up and type something, hoping that if you didn't like it, you'd take it out on her.

Bob Dobalina said...

Falw: Heart you too lass and glad to see your respect hasn't stopped you from beating my ass in word games :D

Bert: Woah, very funny you posted this. I was raised in the church, didn't have a Pepsi til I was 14, left it at 15 I think? Whenever they start grooming boys for priesthood and making you get dunked for dead people. Thanks for posting, if I thought I had a chance at getting that governor I'd go for it but experience shows that I can only handle 2 drinks tops before I go all loopy and start guzzling.

Now I really gotta make a new post about something else before people think I'm all about the drama :P

Anonymous said...

Miss you bro, come back soon :)

rcubed said...

I'd like to hear about it. Just keep writing. Funny is overrated.

Jana said...

Yeah, what Catherine said. I'm another drunk like you. I go from one to two thousand and I can't remember how I got home. I don't remember what happened, or why my friends are LOOKING at me like that!!! The very last drink was the night the projectile beer bottle missed the antique heirloom mirror by about 3 inches - whew what a dodge. I had to realize that I was never never NEVER EVER going to be able to drink again. After a while it's ok to be sober all the time - for the right reasons, and I know you'll find it. Good luck and God Bless

Anonymous said...

Hi Bob :) It's me again just checking in to say hi and remind you your being thought of. NO PRESSURE! I know you're doing what you gotta do. ((Hugs))