Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Off the face of the planet, I dropped

Don't open your eyes
you won't like what you see
The devils of truth
steal the souls of the free

Well that was a hell of a post to leave up for way too long.

Things have been good since last I typed here. The week following I went on an AWESOME rafting trip with friends and family. We ended up a bar the 2nd night where I had much fun watching the drunken antics instead of performing them. I even danced for 4 hours! Not competently, but still. It was fun and I got to see my mom hit on by a 20-something who reeled her in on the dance floor. Hellz yeah bitches.

Anyway, I don't have anything really funny to report, I really just wanted that damn alky post off the front page. Thanks to all for the groovy comments and luuurve, it was appreciated. I have tons of blogs to burn through, now just need the time to do it. See ya in the comment sections kids!


Anonymous said...

Does this mean you're back for good?

Bob Dobalina said...

I hope so, I have a ton of blogs to catch up on though. My GReader laughed at me when I launched it.

Anonymous said...

YAY there you are! I feel like cheering, so glad you had a great time. The love ain't stoppin' though. I got some for ya right here.


Those are supposed to be little hearts, although they look a little more like misshapen ice cream cones. Oh well, chocolate chip mint love for you. :)

Anonymous said...

Does this mean your Mom's officially a Cougar now? :)

Anonymous said...

I only came over here because you go by a name from an obscure Monkees song, and that intrigued me. Now I gotta keep reading, damn it.

Bloggers who write well piss me off.

Jana said...

Right on older women and 20-somethings!!! Hi-5 to your mom!!

Anonymous said...

oooooooo rafting.....Thanks for the invite!

i am just giving you hard time. How are you?

Bob Dobalina said...

Cath: Back for good but my free time to browse blogs and catch up with online friends is still drastically reduced.

Catherine: I will take both hearts and ice cream, as well as ice cream with little hearts in it. :D

Cinnkitty: Oh sweet jeebus, I will never be able to surf a milf site again. My penis is very angry with you right now.

PseudoJ: So you come to my blog to get a break from the well written sites? Muahahaha. Sweeet.

Jana: I will absolutely hi-5 my mom on your behalf. I loved seeing her out and having fun in a bar, it was surreal and sorta awesome.

MisstressM: You are absolutely going with us next time. I just read your latest and see you are even busier than I am! We have to hang out sometime soon though, I have a birthday coming up..

Anonymous said...



pretty please with ice cream and hearts on top?

Anonymous said...

I just dropped by to see if you really did come back into existence- like you said you did.
But there's only the 1 post, so I'm not buying it.
You're almost as bad as your girlfriend in remembering about your blog.
Eat that, sister!

Bob Dobalina said...

How dare you comment on my blatant lie.. but you are correct.

I actually just got some good-ish news at work so I may blog shortly. Or maybe when you guys are gone for a few days.. I'll need something to do besides touch myself inappropriately while watching SpongeBob..

What, too much?

Catherine said...

My Bad Dobby. I just wanted you to know you have been and are still and will continue to be thought of and missed. <3