Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Off the face of the planet, I dropped

Don't open your eyes
you won't like what you see
The devils of truth
steal the souls of the free

Well that was a hell of a post to leave up for way too long.

Things have been good since last I typed here. The week following I went on an AWESOME rafting trip with friends and family. We ended up a bar the 2nd night where I had much fun watching the drunken antics instead of performing them. I even danced for 4 hours! Not competently, but still. It was fun and I got to see my mom hit on by a 20-something who reeled her in on the dance floor. Hellz yeah bitches.

Anyway, I don't have anything really funny to report, I really just wanted that damn alky post off the front page. Thanks to all for the groovy comments and luuurve, it was appreciated. I have tons of blogs to burn through, now just need the time to do it. See ya in the comment sections kids!