Monday, May 19, 2008

Fearsome anger

I just transcribed 4 old type-written letters for someone I care for.

I tried to remain neutral about the contents, which will be explored in detail in her blog, but I am so angry right now that I can't.


How or why would a presumably grown man feel it is somehow a good idea to write these letters about a child?


Ginormous Boobs said...

Thanks for your help with the sickening exercise.

He may be a grown man, but he's a very sick grown man.

Catherine said...

Oh Bob D., you are my new favorite person right now. This part of your comment at that (GB's latest) post kicked my day off with a great laugh:

"James! Good to see you, how's the family? Great, great. Hey, I heard someone has a used condom, have you heard where I might get it? No? Well alrighty then, I'll ask George at Mass. Thanks pal, love to the missus."

Thank you. Also, your post below, which not only has a title I love but ends with another smart laugh, tells me that you need to do stuff like look up the origin of Hot Potato when you get a shocker ball in the mail.

YOU THEREFORE RULE. I interwebs love you right now, and I'll be back to visit soon. Thank you for visiting my (truly) humble blog.

Jon said...

Yikes. Read that letter over at GB's blog. Creepy stuff. I can't imagine having to stalk someone without the help of the interwebs.

Also, love the Del the F.H.S. reference, Mistadobalina...

Bob Dobalina said...

GB - anytime I can help lass.

C- Wow! That is the best comment I've ever gotten. Granted I don't post much so it's not a huge collection but still! You have a life-long fan now.

J- FINALLY! I'm so tired of people assuming it's a Monkeys reference! You rule.

Anonymous said...

Just remembering the letter from GB's post I am feeling the vomit coming back up to my mouth. How did you keep from barfing?

Bob Dobalina said...

WTB - it gets worse, I'm afraid. I actually had to edit my post twice, removing references to hammers and pliers. The thought of him doing this to a child.. or anyone really.. just makes me very, very upset.

For once I can say, with no internet cliche at all, that I hope he dies in a fire.